The core of the ZiiCON technology is based on 3D image processing of data obtained by 3D sensors.
We set one of our main goals on the robust detection of the persons, human pose estimation, and the interpretation of gestures. Beyond that, our expertise and algorithms are transferable to other problem domains, which can be resolved using image sensors.
The ZiiCON software is based on a core module, which provides an abstraction of the utilized camera technology and thus achieves an independence of hardware for resulting applications. Furthermore, both our own algorithms as well as established third party solutions can be employed for person tracking.
This yields a wide degree of flexibility to devise the best customized solution for complex applications.
Direct sunlight and extreme weather conditions often pose a challenge to image processing applications. Therefore, outdoor installations generally require solutions that are specially tuned towards the conditions at hand.
ZiiCON has successfully implemented interactive systems with BIPA and RAUCH, which operate reliably in the presence of direct sunlight. For this purpose, dedicated algorithms where optimized for the tolerance of incomplete and noisy data.
In the context of interactive applications in public areas, ZiiCON has gathered a lot of experience since the first installation in 2010.
This experience we happily share with our customers and support them in devising a first vision, creating a concrete conceptual design, and implementing a fully functional application. Our customers value this all-in service and utilize the expertise of ZiiCON to achieve a high level of visibility and a memorable experience for their target audience.
Advertising and information content can be manipulated or controlled by unintentional or intenional movements and gestures of humans passing by.
Designed for:
- DOOH networks
The ZiiCON AD (advertising system) technology opens up an entirely new way of dialog to give your customers an immersive experience on digital signage panels. With gesture recognition in front of promotion spaces we enable people to actively participate in media content to bring advertising spots to life.
The concept of the ZiiCON AD technology is readily outlined: A projection screen or LCD display shows a compilation of ads. Special 3D-cameras track the observers in front of the advertising space and enable them to manipulate the displayed media content in real-time with body movements and gestures. Consequently the observer's actions are translated into visual effects according to the advertisers specifications, which leads to an increased perception rate of the advertising message.
Player and content management solution for the visualisation und distribution of image- und video content to digital advertising sites.
Designed for:
- DOOH networks
- Retailers | POS
ZiiCON CV offers a standardized solution for the visualisation of digital media. The main focus of the product is a problem-oriented approach to a content management as well as the flawless playback of popular video formats and interactive applications.
Creation of interactive, digital advertising content through a straightforward development environment.
Designed for:
- Agencies
- Retailers | POS
ZiiCON XC is the media format for interactive applications and unrivaled experiences in public spaces. Versatile effect configurations, dynamic advertising campaigns, and fascinating entertainment are widely customizable through an easy to use interface!
The key feature of ZiiCON XC lies in the body movement of pedestrians, who trigger the interaction on the digital display while passing through an interactive area. This inspires emotions that lead to a longer lasting experience. The creative combination of design and technology offer countless effect options for lively entertainment, extraordinary product presentations, and dynamic advertising campaigns with lasting impact. Our interactive applications create uncharted multi-based encounters. Through the spectacular appearance you can create an innovative image of your company or product: contemporary and trendsetting.
Mobile solution for advertising applications with broad a spectrum of interaction modalities and an optional vending machine for the distribution of prizes and samples.
Designed for:
- Agencies
- Retailers | POS
ZiiCON XP comprises a complete hard- and software solution for an interactive product experience. A 70" Full HD display is mounted inside a sleek casing with integrated 3D camera, RGB camera, touch-capable screen, speakers, and receipt printer. ZiiCON XP offers manifold possibilities for advertising campaigns that initiate a dialog with the customer.
Interactive content with gesture control and touch interaction allows your customers to play for coupons, gifts, or samples of your products. An integrated receipt printer or an optional vending machine enable product sampling directly on site.
Your advantage: Customers experience your advertising message interactively - attention and enthusiastic participation are guaranteed!
People counting in front of advertising and information displays for the estimation of contacts and for the evaluation of passive and active behavior during interaction.
Designed for:
- DOOH networks
- Retailers | POS
ZiiCON ST provides our customers with a tool for the statistical analysis of the frequency and the behavior of pedestrians. The system employs 3D cameras for robust people detection within a customizable region of the camera's field of view. For the defined tracking area, the system produces the total number of pedestrians. Since our system tracks people permanently within the detection area, it estimates the dwell time of individuals and the overall people flow. This enables insght into the average time pedestrians spend in front of an advertising site as well as detailed information about preferred travel paths.
The system was developed for digital and interactive advertisement. In this context, we are able to associate the results with individual content within an advertising loop so that advertisers received a precise evaluation of their own advertising campaign.
ZiiCON ST consists of a 3D camera and respective evaluation software. The software can be installed on existing hardware if specifications are satisfied. The collected person data is made anonymous and is accumulated per hour so that a daily overview of the statistics is available for each site. That data is either stored locally for later collection or will be transmitted to a central server for convenient visual inspection over a web-interface.
Typical digital POS content, such as product promotions, can be manipulated or controlled by unintentional or intenional movements and gestures.
- for retail stores or shop windows (for example contactless window-shopping or effective windows-decorations)
- integration of the technology into standup displays possible
Designed for:
- Agencies
- Retailers | POS
With our ZiiCON PM systems you enable your customers to interact contactless with digital presentation media - without the requirement for a controller or a joystick. This product is designed for companies which intend to increase the visibility of their digitalized image, product, service, and entertainment material.
ZiiCON develops and markets interactive media and promotional sites for providers of advertising space and retailers, manages the operation of such installations, and serves as an agency to draft content for classical and interactive advertising campaigns.
ZiiCON is Europe's leading provider of 3D gesture recognition technology in the B2B market for digital signage. Our software detects human body movement and is able to interpret this data. This leads to a number of revolutionary possibilities to create an immersive experience for the target audience.
ZiiCON can rely on its own software framework and patented solutions for tracking and gesture interpretation and has longtime expertise in the conceptual design and implementation of interactive content for advertising and POS sites.
Markus Kowalewski
CEO and co-founder
Markus Kowalewski acts as managing partner of the ZiiCON GmbH. With 15 years of experience in interactive media technologies, his main responsibilities lie in the areas of marketing, sales, project management, and hardware development.
Dr.-Ing. Martin Haker
Martin Haker is co-founder of the ZiiCON GmbH and manages research and development. Already during his doctoral thesis on "Gesture-Based Interaction with Time-of-Flight Cameras" image processing with 3D sensors has been a corner stone of his work.
Ronald Schrittwieser
Christian Zöchmann
Hardware & IT
Petra Schrittwieser
Code name: Notschkerl
ZiiCON Media GmbH
Waasen 1
A-3062 Kirchstetten
T +43 1 957 80 92
CEO: Markus Kowalewski
Amtsgericht Wien
FN 319620 f
EORI-Nr: ATEOS1000016925
Ust.-ID Österreich: ATU 64654948